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Outings 4 Dogs

 looking back over the Dog Walker's Diary for the last week,

I realised what a great week we had with the Dogs...

in Spite of the weather !!!

Here's what we all got up to Dog Walking in the Northern Suburbs of Wellington !

Seton Nossiter Dog Park:

DogWalkingKhandallahParkSN 0971
Dog Walking at Seton Nossiter park off leash

Khandallah Park and Khandallah Reserve:

Dog Walking at Seton Nossiter Park - dog taking a break for a breather
Johnsonville Dog Walker and dogs walking up the steps at Khandallah Park
Johnsonville Dog Walker at Khandallah Park, Wellington

Otari Wilton Bush Reserve:

Johnsonville Dog Walker walking dogs on lead at Khandallah Park.
Newlands Dog Walker at Ngaio, Wellington
Newlands Dog Walker walking dogs at Otari Wiltons Bush Reserve Ngaio

Lawson's Track:

Johnsonville Dog Walker - Dogs at Lawsons Track, Seton Nossiter Park, Newlands / Woodrigdge end
Newlands Dog Walker walking dogs along Lawsons Track, Seton Nossiter Park

Huntleigh Park:

Newlands Dog Walker walking dogs at Huntleigh Park, Ngaio Wellington

Tawa Shared Path (Porirua Stream Walkway):

Newlands Dog Walker Dog Walking on the Tawa Shared Pathway - cycle and walkway. walkwayTawaIzardNgaio 1033
Dog Walking at Tawa Shared Walkway.

and I almost forgot...previous weekend....

Whitby Lakes:

Dog Walking Whitby Lakes, Whitby. Mummy, Mummy I saw a Purple Chicken !

Mummy, Mummy I saw a Purple Chicken!

Dog Walking Whitby Lakes, Whitby. Pukeko's
Dog Walking at Whitby Lakes,

Contact us Now, click HERE !

Loose Leash Dog Walking Service Newlands Johnsonville

Miles Crescent,


Wellington 6037.

Phone: 4787 458 Penny or Phil, (message after 7 rings)

Mobile Ph: 021 179 5043 call or txt


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